Benetton Group’s commitment to a culture of respect, transparency and traceability starts with the attention dedicated to internal stakeholders and with the creation of strong relationships with the external ones.
Benetton Group wants to reach its sustainable development goals through means such as inclusivity, attention and dialogue. The relationship with the main stakeholders is based on trust and mutual understanding and on Benetton’s commitment to promoting their direct involvement in every strategic decision.
Taking the areas of Company activity into account, Benetton Group has mapped its stakeholders, dividing them into:
- internal: people that are part of the Company;
- external: people that work along the Group’s value creation chain or that are indirectly influenced/affected by the Company’s activities.
Following this exercise, 30 relevant categories of stakeholders were identified, which, through dedicated interviews and workshops with the main Company functions, were subsequently prioritized based on:
- their dependence on Benetton;
- their influence on Benetton.
Benetton Group aims to identify current and potential impacts on key stakeholder categories and define in a shared way the most appropriate mitigation and management tools.
In 2023, Benetton Group continued activities aimed at involving its internal and external stakeholders, maintaining active communication and launching new initiatives.