Non-commercial investments

Approximately half of the 2022 investments involved improving facility safety. In addition, during the year, the Benetton Group continued to replace light bulbs with energy-efficient, long-lasting LED lamps in some areas of the Ponzano and Castrette offices. Re-lamping, and the resulting increased efficiency will continue in 2023 with the goal of converting all lighting in Campus buildings to LED by 2024.

Moreover, in 2022 the Group rolled out the transition of the company car fleet available to employees to 100% electric or plug-in hybrid vehicles.

Renewable energy for offices and shops

Since 2017, the energy feeding the entire Benetton Campus is generated by certified renewable sources (water and ocean). After a preliminary feasibility analysis, a detailed project for the development of an energy self-generation plant is currently underway specifically concerning photovoltaic technology.

The total value of renewable energy used accounted for 33% of the total energy used in 2023 by stores and offices.

All the renewable energy used is purchased from sources backed by Guarantee of Origin (GO) certificates as proof of validity.

A Guarantee of Origin (GO) is an electronic certificate that verifies the renewable nature of the energy resource. It provides detailed information about the source of the energy, including type of renewable source, date and location of production.