The Benetton Archive is fully consistent with the recent and popular trend for cultural appraisal through company and fashion archives. It is a valuable consultation tool for the group’s designers and collaborators and is accessible, upon request, to students, researchers and other professionals.
The Benetton Archive has been invited on various occasions to participate in or to host professional meetings.
It is currently a member of Museimpresa and ICA (International Council on Archives).
Museimpresa’s Settimana della Cultura d’Impresa (corporate culture week):
- 18/11/2017: “I linguaggi della crescita: impresa, cultura, territorio” (Languages of growth: enterprise, culture, territory”)
- 10/11/2018: “La cultura industriale: un ponte tra economia e crescita sociale al centro dell’identità europea” (“Industrial culture: a link between economy and social growth at the centre of European identity”)
- 09/11/2019: “A regola d’arte. L’Italia delle culture d’impresa: inclusiva e sostenibile” (“By the book: Italy of corporate cultures: inclusive and sustainable”)
- 09,12/11/2020 (virtual event): “Capitale Italia. La cultura imprenditoriale per la rinascita del paese” (“Italy capital. Entrepreneurial culture for the rebirth of the country”)
- 27/11/2021: “Il grand tour tra i valori dell’Italia intraprendente” (“The grand tour among enterprising Italy’s values”)
- 11/11/2022: “Benetton, scuola di pensiero” (“Benetton, school of thought”)
- 11/11/2023: “La persona al centro dello sviluppo sostenibile. L’anima dell’impresa consapevole” (“The person at the centre of sustainable development. The soul of the conscious enterprise”).
May 13th, 2011
Participation in and speech at the seminar “Archivi e musei d’impresa: conoscenza e valorizzazione del patrimonio storico aziendale” (“Corporate archives and museums: knowledge and enhancement of company historical heritage”), held in Padua.
November 25th, 2011
Participation in and speech at the first regional archive day “Memoria e innovazione. nuovi strumenti, nuove esigenze” (“Memory and innovation. new tools, new needs”).
April 22nd – May 20th, 2013
Participation in and speech at the series of seminars “Archivi in museo” (“Archives in the museum”), held at the Museo degli Eremitani in Padua.
October 15th-16th, 2014
Participation in the regional training course for archive workers “La digitalizzazione dei documenti d’archivio, progetto e realizzazione” (“Digitising archive documents: planning and implementation”), held at the city of Venice’s general archives.
October 23rd-25th, 2014
Participation in the seminar “La moda in archivio. seminario per archivisti d’imprese della moda” (“Fashion in the archive. seminar for fashion companies’ archivists”), held at the Florence state archives.
November 25th, 2014
Participation in the seminar “Cadere nella rete. Archivi, musei e le sfide del web” (“Falling into the net. Archives, museums and the challenges of the web”), held at the Dalmine Foundation.
April 16th, 2015
Participation in the GIAI meeting (Italian corporate archivist group), held at the central state archives in Rome.
June 15-16th, 2015
Participation in and speech at the ICA SBA conference “Creating the best business archive – achieving a good return on investment”, held at Fondazione Pirelli in Milan. Presentation of the paper: “The Benetton archive: problems and solutions integrating databases and archives”.
February 5th, 2016
Organization of the ANAI GIAI / Benetton Archive workshop “Riservato personale. Riordino, inventariazione, valorizzazione delle carte del personale” (“Strictly confidential. Reordering, inventorying and enhancing hr records”).
April 20th, 2016
Participation in the co-creation workshop, organised by the Europeana Fashion Heritage association and held at Amsterdam’s Rijksmuseum.
On this occasion, the Benetton Archive met computer, communication and cultural heritage conservation experts from all over Europe to discuss new ways of enhancing archives’ heritage.
June 30th, 2016
Participation in the conference “L’Italia è di moda. Cambiare le regole del gioco” (“Italy is in fashion. Changing the rules of the game”), held at the Iuav University in Venice.
September 1st, 2016
Speech titled: “How our history generates business value” given during the “History Marketing Summit”, organised by the Centrum för näringslivshistoria (Centre for Business History) in Stockholm.
November 23rd, 2016
Speech at the conference “La bellezza negli archivi: l’identità d’impresa nella narrazione digitale” (“Beauty in the archives: company identity in the digital narration), organised by the school of doctorate studies – Iuav university of Venice and with the support of the Unindustria Treviso industrialists’ association, ais/design (The Italian Association of Design Historians) and Aiap (The Italian Association of Visual Communication design).
January 19th, 2017
Participation in and speech at the round-table meeting held on the occasion of the opening day of the training course “Valorizzazione e comunicazione dell’heritage per le imprese e le organizzazioni” (“Enhancing and communicating heritage for companies and organisations”), held at La Sapienza University in Rome – communication and social research department.
March 8th, 2017
Participation in and speech at the GIAI seminar “Progetto archivio. Trasformare un’idea in una realizzazione” (“Archive project: transforming an idea into reality”), held at the Ansaldo foundation in Genoa.
May 23rd, 2017
Participation in “Fashion digital memories”, the annual symposium organised by Europeana Fashion Heritage Association, held at Venice’s Iuav University.
September 29th-30th, 2017
Participation in the Museimpresa’s annual seminar, “Turismo e marketing territoriale: la sfida è l’attrattività ” (“Tourism and territorial marketing: allure is the challenge”), held at the Ducati Museum in Borgo Panigale.
May 28th, 2018
Participation in and speech at the conference “Immaginare l’archivio” (“Imagining the archive”), hosted in Treviso by, among others, Ca’ Foscari Venice University and Fondazione Benetton Studi Ricerche.
June 22nd, 2018
Summer school — “Archivi della moda: heritage management” (“Fashion archives: heritage management”), Bologna - Fashion Research Italy. the Benetton Archive took part by welcoming the students of the course for a guided tour of the Benetton Archive and giving a lecture at Fashion Research Italy.
October 10th-13th, 2019
As part of the second Trento Sports Festival, an exhibition called “Il mito di Schumacher” (“The legend of Schumacher”) was organised on the occasion of the driver’s 50th birthday. The Benetton Archive was involved in the search for material for the exhibition, for instance the B195 racing car, two of the driver’s racing suits, from 1992 and 1993, and 21 constructor’s trophies from 1994 and 1995.
June 11th, 2020
Participation in the webinar “Musei post covid e modelli di sostenibilità attraverso il digitale” (“Post-covid muesums and sustainability models based on digital tools”), held byMeet Digital Culture Center.
June 18th, 2020
Participation in the GIAI - Museimpresa web conference “Nuovi scenari per gli archivi d’impresa: limiti-opportunità -sfide” (“New scenarios for corporate archives: limitations-opportunities-challenges”).
November 23rd-24th 2020
Participation in the workshop “Manipolazione e conservazione dei beni librari e archivistici” (“Handling and conservation of books and archive items”).
December 1st, 2020
Participation in the online event “La moda come bene culturale" (“Fashion as a cultural asset”), organised by the department of cultural assets of the university of Bologna (Ravenna Campus) and by the Cultural Relation Centre of Ravenna municipality, with the support of Fondazione del Monte di Bologna e Ravenna.
December 14th, 2020
Participation in the webinar organised by GIAI - Museimpresa, during which the results of the questionnaire issued on the occasion of the 18th June conference were shared.
February 11th, 2021
Participation in the virtual meeting “Strategie digitali tra heritage aziendale, arte e cultura” (“Digital strategies for corporate heritage, arts and culture”), organised by the American chamber of commerce in Italy.
March 18th, 2021
Participation in the online conference “Corporate heritage and virtual strategies”, organised by Museimpresa and Google Arts & Culture.
March 25th, 2021
Participation in the online conference “Heritage and digitalization”, organized by Museimpresa.
April 1st, 2021
Participation in the online conference “Trend e strategie della comunicazione sui social media” (“Trends and strategies of social media communication”), organised by Museimpresa.
June 4th, 2021
Participation in the online event “La notte degli archivi” (“The night of the archives”), under the patronage of ANAI - Italian National Archive Association - as part of “Archivissima”, the festival of the archives. The Benetton Archive took part by submitting a video titled “Generazione benetton” (“Benetton generation”), which recounted the six decades of the brand’s advertising communication.
June 23rd, 2021
Speech given during the seminar “Gli archivi della moda” (“fashion archives”), organised by Università degli studi di Cagliari, Università degli studi di Firenze and Università degli studi di Udine.
February 15th, 2022
The Benetton Archive was included in the “Unmuseoalminuto” installation at the Milan Design Museum. Within the installation, the Benetton Archive is shown through a knitting stitch, United Colors of Benetton historic logo.
June 10th, 2022
Participation in the online event “La notte degli archivi” (“The night of the archives”), under the patronage of ANAI - Italian National Archive Association - as part of “Archivissima”, the festival of the archives. The Benetton Archive took part by submitting a video titled “Benetton e il negozio che cambia” (“Benetton and the changing shop”), which relates how the company has been able – over the decades – to translate the evolution of society and lifestyles into diverse and innovative store formats.
October 13th-14th, 2022
Participation in the Museimpresa’s annual seminar, “Storie d’impresa, energie di futuro” (“Enterprise stories, energies of the future”), held at Musei Civici in Venice.
June 09th, 2023
Participation in the online event “La notte degli archivi” (“The night of the archives”), under the patronage of ANAI - Italian National Archive Association - as part of “Archivissima”, the festival of the archives. The Benetton Archive took part by submitting a video titled “The Travel Years” showing catalogues and images from the 80s and 90s when United Colors of Benetton and Sisley set off on a journey exploring remote places and faraway societies.
September 29th-30th, 2023
Participation in the Museimpresa’s annual seminar, “Carte d’archivio, mappe di sviluppo” (“Archive papers, maps of development”), held at Museo Essenza Lucano in Pisticci (Matera).
November 20th, 2023
Launch of the partnership between Museimpresa and the Google Cultural Institute. The Museimpresa page on the Google Arts&Culture platform features over 2.000 images and welcomes 33 associated archives and museums, including the Benetton Archive.
December 13th, 2023
2023/2024 “Archivi della Moda” (“Fashion Archives”) course, Bologna, Fashion Resarch Italy. The Archive took part in the course by giving a lecture at Fashion Research Italy.
February 13th, 2024
Participation in the exhibition “Identitalia, The Iconic Italian Brands”, at Palazzo Piacentini, house of the Ministry of Business and Made in Italy. The exhibition pays homage to some of the most important historical brands, those that made and still make the history of Italy.